Video: FORU - the only serious solution for any oil spill – Heavy Lift News
22 Jun 2018

Video: FORU – the only serious solution for any oil spill

22 June, 2018

FORU wants to develop preventive measures against pollution of our oceans, seas and lakes worldwide and subsequent damage to our maritime flora and fauna, thus enabling us to pass it on in good condition to our future generations.


The smart buoy design in combination with the position of the center of gravity, makes the FORU stick to the waves, maintaining its high efficiency


The FORU can be carried by two persons, and does not require any assembly before use: Just connect the hoses and deploy the FORU system


The FORU can be operated without the need of instructions. No buoyancy adjustments are needed


The FORU can be used in static situations and can be integrated in dynamic sweeping systems


The FORU can recover up to 45,000 barrels per 24 hours with an oil recovery ratio of 75 – 100 percent


The FORU can be dissasmbled by unscrewing only a few bolts and is easy to clean

Total solution

FORU offers a total solution to clean up oil spills, our total solution includes booms, bladders, power packs and of course one of our down-draft systems, designed for nearshore, harbor, river, lake and offshore conditions. Both down-draft systems can be deployed and stored without assembly. Either FORU system can be easily placed in the pocket of a dynamic sweeping system like the Current Buster or the Oil Trawl.

Smart design

To be ready for the case that an oil spill occurs the equipment needs to be maintained and your personnel must be trained. The systems are designed to be easy to use, maintain and clean. Because of these features our down-draft systems have a high availability in case of an oil spill. Training is supplied with our total solution to teach your personnel how to work with FORU equipment. Due to smart engineering FORU’s down-draft systems are easy to disassemble and clean.

Robust system

The FORU down-draft systems are designed to function in rough waters. The smart designed buoy-shape makes the FORU stick to the waves and therefore makes it possible to operate the FORU in offshore conditions. The systems are made of high grade materials and 100% mechanical to withstand the severe offshore weather conditions. Because of the smart design of the down draft system, the adjustment is intuitive therefore very little training is required.Concerning oil spills, the question is not if they occur, but when they will.FORU stands guard, ready to use.