Vessel Drydocking in HMNB Portsmouth with Typhoon3000 – Heavy Lift News
24 Aug 2023

Vessel Drydocking in HMNB Portsmouth with Typhoon3000

It is good to see the Typhoon3000 back at work again on His Majesty’s Navel Base Portsmouth this week.

SMS group are pleased to be chartering the Typhoon3000 semisubmersible jack up barge commercially on behalf of both KBS Maritime and the UK Ministry of Defence.

The Typhoon 3000 is a ‘conventional’ jack-up barge and semi-submersible dry dock that can submerge without the use of pumps and / or ballast systems. By opening the valves in the top and bottom of the pontoon the deck is allowed to submerge by its own weight.



To lift the pontoon out of the water it jacks up the on the 4 legs letting, the water fall freely from the open lower valves replaced by air through the upper valves
the submerging can begin.

When all the water is out and the valves closed the Typhoon3000 has a lift capacity of 3000t.





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