Transformer Transport by Kraftdragarna – Heavy Lift News
1 Nov 2024

Transformer Transport by Kraftdragarna

When transporting a transformer, it is unfortunately not just a matter of Google Maps and then drive…

With a total weight of up to 700t and a length of about 90m, it is simply not possible to get around everywhere. There will be problems with tight turns and the strength of roads, but above all bridges, which means that it can sometimes be really complicated to figure out how to get around.

What is available is, among other things, calculation software and Google Maps, but it is far from enough to know if a road can actually be driven. To develop good road planning, it is necessary to travel the road in advance and document how to get around as efficiently as possible, and with the help of engineers, calculate that it is possible to get forward and across without anything breaking.

Kraftdragarna works with some of the best strength calculators and has an incredibly skilled transport department with extensive experience of road investigations. This gives Kraftdragarna great advantages and they are grateful to all their talented staff!




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