ALE completes 7,000 US-tonne lifts for oil and gas project in Texas
ALE has lifted over 7,000 US tonnes using the world’s largest capacity land based crane for an oil and gas project in Texas, USA.
Last month three identical 1,000t boilers were shipped from Porto Marghera, Italy, to Corpus Christi, USA on board the Roll Group vessel RollDock Sea. Each boiler module was 30.3m long, 16.4m wide and 22.7m high was rolled onboard to rest on load bearing seafastenings.
The voyage was was the completion of the a project that started in Q2 of 2017, when their client selected Roll Group as the preferred transport provider. The early involvement enabled Roll Group to create engineering solutions for the intended weight spreading system at short notice. This gave their client the opportunity to proceed with the fabrication of the boilers without delay.
The operation was a complete success, ending with all three pieces of cargo being off-loaded within the one tide.
Source Roll Group
ALE has lifted over 7,000 US tonnes using the world’s largest capacity land based crane for an oil and gas project in Texas, USA.
The project consisted of installing the 2,350 metric ton jacket and 2,500 metric ton topside