The Rostock Giants Have Significant Place in Liebherr 2019 Report – Video
Two Rostock Giants have earned a significant part in the 2019 results reported by Liebherr.
The TCC 78000 Liebherr gantry crane taking maritime crane technology in the Port of Rostock to a whole new level. This colossus of a crane has the capacity to perform extremely large-scale heavy-duty lifting operations. Its installation represents a major infrastructure enhancement for the Baltic Sea port and offers huge potential for the future.
The first major lift by TCC 78000 was for the other Rostock Giant. The HLC 295000 heavy-duty crane installed on DEME’s HLV Orion is the most powerful offshore crane Liebherr has ever built. “Bigger, more powerful and more versatile: these are the challenges that maritime crane construction needs to meet now and will also have to in the future,” explains Udo Wosar, Head of Cargo Management at Liebherr Maritime Cranes.
Despite the slowdown in global economic growth, 2019 was once again a record year for the Liebherr Group. Both the construction machinery and mining equipment divisions recorded overall increases in sales revenues, as did the other product areas overall. Revenues from construction machinery and mining equipment rose by 11.8 % to € 7,640 million, with contributions from the Earthmoving, Mobile Cranes, Tower Cranes, as well as Concrete Technology and Mining divisions. In the other product areas, which include Maritime Cranes, Aerospace and Transportation Systems, Gear Technology and Automation Systems, Domestic Appliances, Components, and Hotels, turnover rose by a total of 10.5 % to € 4,110 million.
The success of the 2019 business year can be attributed to the very positive sales performance in almost all sales regions of the Liebherr Group. Sales continued to increase within the European Union, which is Liebherr’s most important sales region.
One reason for this is the favorable market development, especially in Germany and France, but also, for example, in Spain and Denmark. Positive growth impulses also came from Russia and Norway. The Liebherr Group recorded its most significant increase in sales in North America. In Asia and Oceania this positive trend was driven in particular by the markets in Australia, China, Singapore and Japan. Slight increases in turnover were also achieved in Africa and in the Near and Middle East. There were only slight declines in Central and South America.
The Liebherr Group achieved a net profit of € 429 million in 2019, an increase compared with the previous year, whereas the operating result has fallen slightly compared to the previous year. The financial result showed a very positive development.
The full report can be found on this link and facts and figures on this link .
Source Liebherr
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