TWD On Thames Tideway Project
In June 2017 we had a call with our first design brief from the project team working on the Central Section of the Thames Tideway project. A project which is better known locally as London’s Super Sewer.
In June 2017 we had a call with our first design brief from the project team working on the Central Section of the Thames Tideway project. A project which is better known locally as London’s Super Sewer.
TWD has designed a hammock to support monopiles during transport. This innovative seafastening is suitable for monopiles with a diameter between 7 and 11 metres. In addition, it divides the forces on the tube more evenly. This allows contractors to safely transport various wind turbine monopiles with a thinner and therefore more vulnerable wall thickness. An interview with Thijs Roethof of TWD.
ALE has been moving heavy loads since 1983. Initially a heavy lift transport company, today, with over 40 branch offices throughout the world, the company is ranked in the top three companies in the heavy lift industry for transport and craneage.
Just over 10 years ago Richard Krabbendam started as the Heavy Lift Specialist, and a little later HeavyLiftNews.com, the news website, which as from now has a new format,