Szczecin to Bremerhaven on Wagenborg Seagoing Pontoon – Heavy Lift News
16 Jul 2019

Szczecin to Bremerhaven on Wagenborg Seagoing Pontoon

Recently, the 60tBP Royal Wagenborg tug ‘Waterman’ transported several heavy modules from Szczecin to Bremerhaven on the seagoing pontoon Wagenborg Barge 5.

This seagoing pontoon, measuring 100 meters in length and 26 meters in width and equipped with a ballast system, set sail from Szczecin towards Bremerhaven on Thursday, July 11th. The tug Waterman and Wagenborg Barge 5 sailed via the Kiel Canal. The cargo was discharged upon arrival in Germany, .

For this transport by tug and pontoon, Wagenborg developed a towage plan utilizing their in house engineering capacity.

Source Royal Wagenborg

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