Super Yacht Takes To The Road With Cometto – Heavy Lift News
3 Sep 2020

Super Yacht Takes To The Road With Cometto

Cometto SPMTs were selected for the transport of a super yacht over 5kms from the manufacturing site of the vessel to another location within Darsena, Italy. The company responsible for the transport, TER Srl, member of the Piccini Group, is a specialist in handling famous super yachts with the label “Made in Italy”.

The 650t vessel required a very powerful piece of transport equipment. A total of 16 SPMT axle lines with an axle load capacity of 48t and four Power Pack Units with 110 kW were used.

Two groups, one at the front and the other following behind were made up from Comotto MSPE 4‑axle modular trailers with their Power Pack Unit and specific transversal beams. This configuration provided perfect stability and load distribution.

Source Cometto


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