Successful Load test for CAPE VLT-640 Quad – Heavy Lift News
20 Feb 2024

Successful Load test for CAPE VLT-640 Quad

The CAPE VLT-640 Quad for DEME is fully certified and already upending and safely installing monopiles for the Moray West offshore wind turbine foundations.

The CAPE VLT-640 Quad was successfully load tested to complete the lifting appliance certification process under Lloyd’s Register Code for Lifting Appliances in a Marine Environment (CLAME). The CAPE VLT-640 Quad was subjected to a test load of 4,037 tons and certified (SWL) for lifting piles up to 3,000 tons.


Loading of the CAPE VLT-640 Quad for DEME. Photgraph courtesy of CAPE HOLLAND

CAPE VLT-640 Quad for DEME – Moray West scope

↑↓ Photograph courtesy of DEME

Detail of the Orion 5,000t crane lifting the first Moray West monopile with the CAPE VLT-640 Quad










DEME has announced that their offshore installation vessel ‘Orion’ has successfully installed its first XXL monopile foundation at the Moray West offshore wind farm in Scotland. Their scope includes both the installation of monopiles and transition pieces. DEME are using the CAPE VLT-640 Quad with vibro hammer technology, minimising the environmental impact from vibrations.



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