Venue Confirmed for Heavy Lift Specialist Seminar in Kuala Lumpur
We can now confirm the venue for the Heavy Lift Specialist 3-day seminar in Kuala Lumpur to be held on 2/3/4 April.
9 July, 2018
Heavy Lift Specialist annouced it’s upcoming public seminar on 1,2,3 October, 2018. This seminar will be presented by Richard Krabbendam and Marcel Vosse at Rotterdam Science Tower.
About the Seminar
The Heavy Lift Specialist Richard Krabbendam started organizing seminars and courses since 2008, aiming for improving safety in the Transport, Lifting, Shipping & Offshore Industry. In the training course, he transfers his profound experience and know-how to others in the industry.
In the past 10 years, more than 2,700 delegates attended one of the 116 Seminars in 26 Countries, dealing with “Heavy Transport, Lifting, Shipping, Offshore and Wind Turbines”.
Richard Krabbendam Founder of Heavy Lift Specialist, who has worked 45 years with BigLift, Mammoet and Jumbo Shipping.
Marcel Vosse Senior Engineer at Temporary Works Design, dealing with Heavy Lift Solutions especially in Offshore sector.
For who is the Seminar?
This extensive course is focused on Construction Managers, Warrantee Surveyors, Operators / Riggers, Project Engineers, Sales Engineers, Freight Forwarders, QHSE Engineers, Project Managers, Cargo Superintendents and anyone who is involved in daily movements and lifting operations of heavy loads.
The program
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3 (additional day)
Practical information
The Seminar starts from 1st October. It will be presented by Richard Krebbendam and Marcel Vosse at Rotterdam Science Tower.
Lunch, coffee and tea is included. A hand-out book of the presentation and a certificate of course completion will be provided.
We can now confirm the venue for the Heavy Lift Specialist 3-day seminar in Kuala Lumpur to be held on 2/3/4 April.
The Early Bird Rates for Kuala Lumpur are extended to 15 February due to the early closing of the registration for Rotterdam.