OCTRA’s Freight Shipped from South East Asia to French Destination
This Freight started in South East Asia and was shipped towards final French site.
As their ultimate notable operation in 2024, OCTRA has performed a 2200frt turnkey shipment starting in South East Asia to be shipped to a final destination in France. The shipment included a main component measuring:
- Length 25m
- Width 5m
- Height 5m
- Weight 86t
The journey had started in Asia with the freight being shipped on a chartered vessel with its own lifting gear and has ended South of Paris using a French river port as transshipment hub.
Due to the size of 3 components the inland river network was used to overcome the majority of road transport constraints while also offering a lower carbon footprint.
The road transport section was handled with the support from their group partners SCALES and other long term partners.
This project closes a wonderful year which saw OCTRA opening a new office in Lyon and performing complex operations in various areas, most of which remain unpublished, respecting their clients’ confidentiality.
Performing projects in a competent, sound and sensible manner complying with their clients’ confidentiality is in OCTRA’s DNA.