The Port of Ostend has received its first container feeder vessel which is being handled by the freight handler Nectar Belgium, using the mobile harbour crane Gottwald 5506. The vessel Polybotes from the PortConnect fleet is discharging the cargo of containers in the Port of Ostend today, Monday 12 December.
From L to R Steve Declercq (Business Development Director Haven Oostende) – Olivier Crousel (General Manager PortConnect) – Dirk Declerck (CEO Haven Oostende) – Charlotte Verkeyn (Voorzitter Haven Oostende) – Bart Tommelein (Burgemeester Stad Oostende) – Jan Allaert (Commercieel Directeur Haven Oostende)
From now on, a weekly line service will operate between Ostend – Zeebrugge – Antwerp and Antwerp – Zeebrugge – Ostend. The service offers companies from the region the opportunity to guarantee the efficient and reliable container service to and from the Port of Ostend.
Taking transport off the road and focussing on transport by ship is not only good for the three ports concerned but also for the environment and climate with less diesel exhaust and traffic congestion.