Liebherr LTM 1130-5.1 delivered to MAX Crane in Moomba, South Australia – Heavy Lift News
17 May 2021

Liebherr LTM 1130-5.1 delivered to MAX Crane in Moomba, South Australia

The MAX Moomba team has welcomed a new 130t Liebherr LTM 1130-5.1 to their fleet.

MAX continues to invest in its fleet to service our customers with the latest available technology and safety equipment, supplying state of the art machines – even in the harshest environments like the Cooper Basin.

This unit has VarioBase® delivering a higher lifting capacity and a larger working range, combined with the LICCON job planner in the top cab of the crane which gives the operator the ability to prove concept and perform a simulated lift on site.

The new Liebherr has big shoes to fill; it replaces “Bumble Bee” a 130t crane that’s delivered fantastic service to the MAX Moomba Depot for many years.

One of MAX Crane’s LTM 1130-5.1 at one of their other bases


Source MAX Crane and Equipment Hire

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