Liebherr at Work in the Kitchen - Video – Heavy Lift News
29 Dec 2020

Liebherr at Work in the Kitchen – Video

Although Christmas is over much of the world is still in a holiday mood and so we can still enjoy this video.


In this somewhat different Christmas Story, you will experience how Liebherr machines make dreams come true in the domestic kitchen. Because whether on construction sites or in the kitchen, in the real world or in a dream world, Liebherr machines work hand in hand in every situation to achieve great things.

Immerse yourself in the Liebherr Christmas bakery, learn the secret of Grandma Vroni’s delicious biscuit recipe and take an exclusive look behind the scenes of this exciting stop motion production.

The music credits:

Song                     Christmas Symphony (8308)-15738

Artist                    Ryan Taubert

Album                 Ryan Taubert (Shout Publishings)

Licensed to YouTube by AdRev for a 3rd Party (on behalf of Music Bed (Music Bed)); AdRev Publishing

Source Liebherr

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