KNRM Lifeboat Called Out to Assist 100m Long Pontoon Adrift Loaded with Wind Farm Monopiles – Heavy Lift News
29 Mar 2024

KNRM Lifeboat Called Out to Assist 100m Long Pontoon Adrift Loaded with Wind Farm Monopiles

As an editor with an offshore wind energy publication in the past and now with Heavy Lift News I have met many people connected either directly or indirectly with heavy lift transport.

One such person, an ex-colleague, is now with the KNRM, the Royal Netherlands Sea Rescue Institution, promoting the organisation that provides lifeboats and volunteer crews around the Dutch coast.

In answer to those who ask him what the KNRM does for the wind sector he has posted a short video today concerning a KNRM lifeboat that had been called out to assist with a 100m long pontoon loaded with wind farm monopiles. The tow of the pontoon had parted in seas ranging between 3m to 4m, and the Dutch Coast Guard alerted the KNRM station at Eemshaven on the Dutch north coast to assist.

The crew was alerted and the 14.4m long lifeboat launched to assist.

Despite attempts by the KNRM to help, it was not possible to restore a towing connection due to high waves of 3m to 4m. In the end, the tugs succeeded in establishing the towing connection in the evening, so that the pontoon could be safely moored in the port of Eemshaven the next morning.

This was not at all a pointless call, the lifeboat was there, ready if needed.     




Featured Title photograph

the KNRM Eemshaven Lifeboat “Jan and Titia Visser” courtesy of the KNRM


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