Jacket and TP Lifting Tools from Temporary Works Design - TWD – Heavy Lift News
20 Dec 2019

Jacket and TP Lifting Tools from Temporary Works Design – TWD

Offshore Wind Farm Contractors continuously aim to complete their projects more efficiently and safely. TWD assists contractors by providing designs for mission equipment, such as jacket and TP lifting tools, that are tailored to perform in the offshore operation.

TWD has a successful reputation in designing custom lifting equipment, such as spreader beams, lifting frames and lifting tools. These tools are fit to suit both lifting from jacked-up or floating installation vessels. Focusing on the details results in efficient designs, to reduce offshore installation time to the minimum. Recently, all 120 lifts on the East Anglia ONE offshore wind farm were completed successfully using Jacket Lifting Tools specifically designed by TWD for this project.

Tailored to minimize time in offshore operation
TWD designs tailored jacket and TP lifting tools that:

  • Are lightweight, to keep total lifted weight to a minimum
  • Incorporate smart quick-release guides, avoiding damage to the foundation’s flange
  • Can efficiently integrate with TP covers or other add-ons
  • Account for operational efficiency by incorporating smart tugger connection points
  • Are safe to operate by a remote operating system

Operational benefits of tool used on EA1

  • The tools designed for East Anglia ONE weighed less than 1% of the jacket weight keeping the total lift weight to a minimum.
  • No personnel required to be lifted on to the jacket because positioning, engaging and disengaging was remotely controlled.
  • Using clever geometry in the TWD’s design of the Jacket Lifting Tool ensures the clamps are mechanically locked during the lift.

Triggered your interest? For more information call +31 10 294 03 74 or email info@twd.nl 

We look forward to welcoming the engineering challenges ahead of us!

News of these tools on HeavyLiftNews.com

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