InterMoor completes installation job for Chevron’s new Thai FSO
Benchamas 2 FSO being towed to the field; Image: InterMoor
24 May 2018
InterMoor, a provider of mooring services in subsea services group Acteon, has recently completed work on the installation of the new Benchamas 2 floating storage and offloading (FSO) vessel off Thailand.
Initial production in Block B8/32 in the Gulf of Thailand started in 1999 using the Benchamas Explorer FSO. After operating the facility for almost 20 years, Chevron decided to replace the aging facility with the new FSO Benchamas 2.
The FSO Benchamas 2 was delivered by maritime solutions and services provider MISC Berhad in March.
Conversion works for the FSO Benchamas 2 Project started in early 2017. The donor vessel for the conversion was the formerly AET-operated Bunga Kelana 5, an Aframax tanker built in March 1999.
The FSO has a storage capacity of 650,000 barrels with 12 years design life without drydocking. The project marked MISC’s maiden foray into Thailand’s oil and gas market. Read More