IHC IQIP successfully launches the Combi Lifting Spread
In March 2018 IHC IQIP introduced a new way of hoisting with the launch of its newest innovation: the Combi Lifting Spread. Last week, June 2018, the Combi Lifting Spread returned from its first successful project for foundation installations.
THE COMBI LIFTING SPREAD The Combi Lifting Spread is a spread that exists of multiple installation tools. The Hydrohammer, Transition Piece Lifting Tool, Flanged Pile Upending Tool and Integrated Monopile Installer are all a part of this spread and make sure you can install monopiles and transition pieces in a safe and efficient way. All the tools of the Combi Lifting Spread have interface sockets on top of them which can connect to the main part of the spread: the Lifting Connector. This tool connects easily with all the other equipment and serves as a replacement system from the conventional shackle and rigging connections. This tool makes sure you can pick up the equipment you need for the installation of foundations easily, efficiently and most important safely.
THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMBI LIFTING SPREAD The development from the Combi Lifting Spread started when IHC IQIP was asked to find a solution for the wear and tear to wires and sheaves in cranes. At first IHC IQIP analysed the wide range of factors associated with offshore crane movements and hoisting in particular. Then we started to look further than the problem and found multiple solutions to save time and make the installation sequence safer and more efficient. With these solutions we reduce the crane movements, vertical transits, interfaces, risks, human interference, operational and spare equipment, deck space and wear and tear on sheaves and wires. This all resulted in to one spread: The Combi Lifting Spread.
THE FUTURE OF THE COMBI LIFTING SPREAD While the first Combi Lifting Spread just arrived back home from its first project, another Combi Lifting Spread is now operating at a customer’s offshore wind project. The Combi Lifting Spread will be available for offshore wind projects the upcoming years but can also be used at other lifting projects. More information about the Combi Lifting Spread? Check www.ihciqip.com.