Heavy Lift Specialist at Project Cargo Summit
Jumbo demonstrate their deck lay-out tool in virtual reality. Photograph R Krabbendam
Date 17 September 2018
The 2nd Project Cargo Summit was held last week in Rotterdam in the RDM Submarine Hall. Presentation topics from Smart eco systems and how the project cargo market is expected to develop in the future to how the offshore oil and gas installations in the North Sea will meet their end with Decommissioning covered a full range of relevant material.
With the title ‘the Do’s and Dont’s in Heavy Lifting’ Richard Krabbendam of HeavyLiftSpecialist.com gave a presentation in the Workshop section. This is a precursor to the next round of Heavy Lift Specialist Seminars arranged on 1 -3 October in Rotterdam, 12-15 November in Kuala Lumpur and 26 – 29 November 2018 in London. Details and availability to attend can be found on this link.
The workshop session was filmed and can be seen below:
source HeavyLiftNews Photographs R.L.Krabbendam
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