Fagioli Pushes and Pulls Decommissioned Topsides from Allseas' Pioneering Spirit – Heavy Lift News
10 Sep 2020

Fagioli Pushes and Pulls Decommissioned Topsides from Allseas’ Pioneering Spirit

Fagioli was contracted for the load in operations of 4 Topsides which were removed recently from the North Sea by Allseas’ Pioneering Spirit.

The weight of the topsides was ranging between 7,000 ton up to 17,000 ton. The operations were executed by means of a push-pull skidding system in Mainland UK, Denmark and Shetland Islands.

The main Fagioli equipment used for the operations included:

  • Up to 32 PUSH PULL UNITS (including PPUs) connected to the Topside Support skid;
  • Hydraulic jacks (up to 600 ton capacity);
  • Strand jacks (up to 450 ton capacity) for mooring operations.

Source Fagioli

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