Challenging project for Hüffermann Group – Video
There is still a great need in the area of bridge renovation and counstructions in countries such as Germany. In Reinfeld, Schleswig-Holstein, such a project is in the pipeline, for which the Hüffermann Group has been able to demonstrate its expertise in heavy-duty logistics. The concrete beam sections have a weight of 68t each and a length of 49.5m each.
After the preparation work, the transport itself was planned in two steps. On the first day, the beams were transported to an intermediate lay-by area.
Two turntable combinations from the Cometto MSPE range have been used. Each combination included one 6-axle SPMT unit and one 4-axle unit with Power Pack Units of 202kW and 129kW respectively.
The use of the turntable sets on the SPMTs enabled them to rotate under the load which allowed the combination to move around the tightest bends and curves. The maximum payload of such a combination as used here was 250t per turntable.
The last step of the mission was the the transport of the concrete beam sections from the lay-by area to the highway. This combination of turntables and SPMTs worked perfectly.
The whole transportation and assembly tasks were executed by the Hüffermann Group assisted by Hüffermann Wildeshausen, Thömen Hamburg and Eisele Maintal.