Britlift's 284t Heavy Lift Lattice Lifting Frame On Time and On Budget for CNIM – Heavy Lift News
19 Aug 2021

Britlift’s 284t Heavy Lift Lattice Lifting Frame On Time and On Budget for CNIM

In August 2020 Britlift received a HEAVY LIFT consultancy order from Constructions industrielles de la Méditerranée (CNIM) of France, for the full design of a lifting frame to lift a 284t Superheater in Serbia. As part of this consultancy service phase Britlift produced and issued full fabrication drawings for CNIM to subcontract the manufacture closer to the final destination of Belgrade.

In November 2020 Britlift won the manufacture, test and certification tender for the same heavy lift project, following procurement process in which Britlift were found to be the most capable to achieve the strict project delivery date and high level quality requirements.

After a 6 week design consultancy period followed by 6 weeks of manufacture, and 1200 manufacturing man hours, Britlift delivered on time and on budget, designed, engineered, manufactured, tested and certified in-house by Britlift, they even built a custom test rig!.

The advanced QA pack supplied included:

  • detailed calculations reports,
  • detailed ITP,
  • welding maps/qualifications/procedures,
  • test plan,
  • 100% MPI and third party inspection.


414t Load Test


The heavy lift lattice lifting frame would be used to lift a 284t Superheater used in the 300 million euro waste-to-energy facility in Belgrade. The project will allow the Belgrade city government to close and remediate the Vinca landfill and generate over 80 MW of renewable heat and electricity. The lifting beam was an incredibly complex design and build, with a huge amount of quality requirements. At 16m in length, and a self weight of 13t, the frame connects directly to the Superheater via 200+ bolted connections (1mm deflection limitations) and be used to lift the superheater into place.

CNIM is a French equipment manufacturer and industrial contractor operating on a worldwide basis. The group supplies products and services to major public and private sector organisations, local authorities and national governments in the environment, energy, defence, and high technology markets.

As specialist lifting equipment engineers Britlift have degree qualified mechanical engineers and coded welders, with a wealth of experience in the design, manufacture, test and certification of lifting equipment, they can support in any lifting scenario no matter how big or small!

Britlift, “This is what we do, and all we do, every day!”

Source Britlift

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