Boskalis and Partners On Last Phase of Markermeer Dikes Reinforcement – Heavy Lift News
5 Dec 2024

Boskalis and Partners On Last Phase of Markermeer Dikes Reinforcement

With 26% of the Netherlands below sea level and the deepest point being 6,7m (22 feet), the country really needs needs strong dikes to protect itself from the ever-rising water.



After planning started in 2015 and the construction started in 2019, Boskalis, with their partners in a public-private alliance have been working together to reinforce the 33km  long Markermeer dikes. The dikes are located along the Markermeer lake between Hoorn and Durgerdam, near the Dutch capital Amsterdam. Boskalis and their colleagues have now reached a special milestone, namely the delivery of last load of sand for the reinforcement of the dikes.



But this does not mean that all the sand required for this dike reinforcement project is already in the right place. Even though several dike segments have already been finished in recent months, the recently delivered sand will continue to be spread across the work sites, both inside and outside the dikes.



Special about this typically Dutch infrastructure project is that it’s not only highly functional, but also offers great added value for recreation in the area. In Hoorn, for example, a city beach was constructed that has already been used by thousands of people last summer, and a few kilometers from this beach a floodplain is being created, where bicycle and hiking trails and jetties for swimmers are being constructed.





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