Bolk Transport BV Acquires 50% Participation in Uddevalle Specialtransporter AB
Bolk Transport BV announced last week that Bolk Transport had acquired a 50% participatation in Uddevalla Specialtransporter AB.
The companies will work closely together in wind projects in Scandinavia and make use of each other’s equipment, knowledge, and personnel.
Both companies are active in very similar markets and share their way of doing business. During a fruitful first meeting end of 2021, mutual trust and interest grew rapidly. With professional support of Torbjörn Hermansson and Martin Strandell of Svensk FöretagsFörmedling and Marjolein Lucassen of Ter Braak Willems Notarissen, both parties soon reached agreement and the deal was worked out accordingly.
Based on this process both parties have strong confidence in the future success of this co-
Source Bolk Transport BV