Award Nominations at the Heavies 2018 – Heavy Lift News
10 Aug 2018

Award Nominations at the Heavies 2018

Date 10 August 2018

This week we have mentioned a couple of the award nominees for awards at the Heavies in 3 weeks time. in fairness to the other nominees please find below a list of all of them.  

In association with the Heavy Transport Association (HTA), The Heavies seeks to reward those organisations (large or small) for making a significant contribution to the effective and efficient running of the UK heavy transport industry.

Andy Adams has sent over the full list, which is copied below. All I can do now is to wish you all good luck and to have a great evening. 

The Shortlist is as follows:

 Job of the Year (CAT1): Vehicle and load under 50 tonnes GVW

·         Allelys Group

·         Lawsons Haulage

·         WH Transport

·         Williams Shipping (White City)


Job of the Year (CAT 2): Vehicle and load under 80 tonnes GVW

·         Lawsons Haulage

·         Williams Shipping


Job of the Year (CAT 3): Vehicle and load over 80 tonnes GVW

·         ALE

·         Collett & Sons Ltd


Job of the Year BE16/VR1

·         ALE

·         Allelys Group

·         Collett & Sons Ltd

·         Sarens


Project of the Year – Sponsored by Goldhofer

·         ALE

·         Allelys Group

·         Collett & Sons Ltd

·         Lawsons Haulage

·         Sarens

·         WH Transport


Pilot Car/Escort Operator of the Year

·         Ally Macpherson Services Ltd

·         Vehicle Routing Services


Operator of the Year – Sponsored by Volvo Trucks UK

·         Collett & Sons Ltd

·         Hutchinson Engineering Services

·         Lawsons Haulage


Team of the Year

·         Keith Rhodes Machinery Installations

·         McIntosh Heavy Logistics and Cadzow Heavy Haulage

·         Williams Shipping, King Lifting and Teahan Convoi Services


Most Significant Safety Initiative

·         To be announced on the evening


Innovation of the Year: End User

·         To be announced on the evening


Innovation of the Year: Trailer Manufacturer (Medium Weight 3-5 axles)

·         To be announced on the evening


Innovation of the Year: Trailer Manufacturer (Heavyweight 5+ axles)

·         Faymonville

·         Goldhofer


The Earl Attlee Award (CSR, Work in the Community and Charity)

·         Hutchinson Engineering Services

·         Keith Rhodes Machinery Installations


Lifetime Achievement Award

·         To be announced on the evening

Source Andy Adams and 


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