ALE Adds Bollard Testing to Portfolio – Heavy Lift News
20 Dec 2018

ALE Adds Bollard Testing to Portfolio

ALE’s engineering team designed a bespoke frame, integrating a weightor, which in combination are applied to test the mooring assembly capacity. Photographs – Ale-Heavylift

Date 20 December 2018

The ALE–Offshore Services division has enhanced their service portfolio to offer bollard testing at quaysides and shipyards.

Vessels are ever increasing in size and applying more loadings to quaysides, hence there is a growing client concern of the integrity of their full mooring assembly: Bollard body, anchors or bolts and concrete supporting structures.

To address this integrity concern, ALE – Offshore Services has utilised its in-house expertise to develop a solution which could be offered alongside its other offshore services.

ALE’s engineering team designed a bespoke frame, integrating a weightor, which in combination are applied to test the mooring assembly capacity.

Unlike other solutions in the market that require two bollards; that are pulled against each other, this solution tests bollards individually. Furthermore, it is a safer alternative as the direction of pull is towards a safe ‘splash zone’ instead of on land.

ALE has already carried out and proven the system in Brunei, with the Brunei Shell Petroleum Marine Construction Yard (BSP) and now looks to carry out this service globally.

Source ALE-Heavylift

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