Ainscough’s Bridge Lift Boosts National Cycle Network in Stockport
Ainscough Crane Hire’s Heavy Cranes team has worked with CTS Bridges to help install a new bridge over the River Goyt in Stockport, representing a landmark moment for a council project that has helped to transform the town’s road networks.
Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council has invested £73million in its Town Centre Access Plan, which seeks to make it easier for people to travel into and around Stockport town centre, regardless of what method of transport they choose.
One of the key elements of the project is a new 40m bridge over the River Goyt, close to Pear Mill in Bredbury. The bridge will form part of a new off-road walking and cycling route linking Bredbury and Little Moor. The new link will mean two parts of Stockport’s existing National Cycle Network – the Alan Newton Way at Bredbury Hall and Fred Perry Way in Woodbank Park – are connected for the first time.
Ainscough was appointed to the project by CTS Bridges as part of its work for main contractor Bethell Construction.
Dave Baxter, technical contracts manager in Ainscough’s Heavy Cranes team, was contacted by CTS Bridges to draw up a lifting plan. A Liebherr LTM1750-9.1 crane fitted with a counterweight of 204t was used on the 52m guyed main boom to position the bridge into place.
Dave commented: “Stockport is my hometown, and it was a great pleasure to work with CTS Bridges and the Council in installing a vital new piece of infrastructure for the borough. The work took place in an area of real historical significance, as it is overlooked by Pearl Mill, one of the last spinning mills to be built in the UK. The new infrastructure is a clean looking truss bridge that really enhances the open space surroundings, and it was a proud moment to be the Appointed Person on-site for this project.”
Joining Dave on this project were his Ainscough colleagues Mark Brown (lift supervisor) and crane operators Ashley Winter and Danny Carrick with Kevin McLafferty and Andy Jackson completing the team.
Cllr David Meller, Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration, said: “The completion of today’s work is an incredibly significant moment for the borough.
“The new bridge over the River Goyt will create not only a new landmark for the town but also provide a new walking and cycling link between the town centre and the east of the borough.
“Once the works are completed, they will link into further infrastructure work taking place that will help Stockport become one of the best places in Greater Manchester to travel around either on foot or on a bike.”
Source Ainscough
Featured Title photograph courtesy of Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council